Get Together

Come together is human tendency
Live together is human tendency
Play together is human tendency
Pray Almighty God is human tendency.

We oppose man to man for religion
We heard religion issue in the world
and stand against one another
But persuasion never learn Despite.

Somebody haven't thought
Never listened own heart - mind
Start the battle for religion
I'm shock persuasion is giving such kind of lesson.

But what is real meaning of religion?
Never instruct estrangement
Never educate violence
Never train for evil work.

Creed educate truth
Religion learn non-violence
Persuasion train for togetherness
Epistle will stand for well - wisher.

Epistle educated meditate
Creed train charity
Persuasion teach rules-regulation
Creed allow a quality of remission.

Why should we stand against man to man?
It's new idea for gaining vote
We should utilize our mind
But religious is empowering of peace, harmony, truth and Justice.

नारी स्वंत्रता

जब भी मैं सोचता
मै कौन हु
तभी स्मरण हो जाता
उपवन में उड़ता एक परिंदा

मन तो स्वातंत्र बिचरण करता
पर न जाने क्या हो जाता
तभी मै सोचता
काश मै निर्बल न होता

न जाना ये क्यों करते
करते करते थक नहीं जाते
मन में एक हुक नहीं  उठती
रूह उनकी काप  नहीं जाती

ओ भगवान के बनाये
इन्सान के रूप में जन्मे
मन को जरा टटोल
मन में उथल - पुथल न होती

रूह काप उठेगी
मन थर्रा उठेगा
अगर तो भी कुछ न हो
असमंजस में पड़ जाएग मानव



गुमशुम, चुप चाप बैठा
न जाने क्या हो जाता
क्षिन्गुर बोल उठते
उपवन में आश जग जाता

जब भी मैं सोचता
कही सैर कर आऊ
पर न जाने क्या हो जाता
तभी चुपके से कोई दस्तक दे जाता

मन से एक टिस उठता
काश मैं एक बार भ्रमण कर आता


A Bit of Hopes

Being a Human
Having a desired
Having an eager
But I can't fulfill.

When I make schedule
Have arrangement but It broke
Somebody suggest me
Why It happen

Would that I were Gandhi
But tried once ...once
But couldn't be
Wonder Why....

But remain a bit of hope
Having a desire  of Last moment..
Staring & following of Hermit
I am continuation...

But Striven Hard ....... 

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